to break this awful habit? Here's some "food for thought": Piggy back with an already existing (maybe not so good for you but fun) habit!
Okay, I admit it. I'm an internet junky. I almost never miss my early morning ritual of checking my emails and catching up on my horoscope, a favorite blog or tidbits of actual news. If I had a laptop and wireless, I'd be in trouble. My husband often wonders how it is that I can stay up til the wee hours surfing, but nod off at the exact instant we sit down to watch a movie. Maybe if you'd let me control the remote once in awhile like I control the mouse, I'd have something to occupy me!
So anyway, I figure, why not eat a bowl of cereal while I'm busy getting my net fix? I'm on day five of my new habit and so far, so good. I was actually looking forward to my bowl of cereal instead of just my emails. I may have to adjust my wake up time a little though. It seems that surfing takes longer when you're eating. Maybe because I haven't mastered eating with my left hand so I can control the mouse with my right, but I'm working on it!

Join in on SMART Habit Saturday with Lara Gallagher
I am a cereal junkie, can eat the stuff any time of day and often have a morning snack after breakfast. I do the same surfing the net in the mornings as you. Enjoy your breakfast & have a good week!
I eat my granola every morning at the computer. I don't know how you could miss breakfast. I would perish the first hour without it!
You know what's funny, I seem to bounce happily between the kiddy marshmallow-filled cereals and the more "adult" flavors. I don't descriminate with my cereal!
I too miss breakfast almost everyday (except this morning i had a hostess cherry pie). although i dont have a problem with the left handed eating. for some odd reason i have always eaten with my left hand and done everything else with my right. so while i surf i can eat at the same time. i might have to start getting up earlier then my kids and eat my breakfast while reading my blogs for the day.
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