Friday, November 23, 2007

Take 5 Friday-My Desk

It's amazing what we can do in just 5 minutes time. That's why I came up with Take 5 Friday. If you're new to Take 5 Friday, check out the guidelines to find out more.

Even with the Thanksgiving holiday it was easy to find 5 minutes during the week to tackle some sort of organinzing task. This week I went for the desk. I made a quick sort and filed some paperwork that had accumulated in my "to file" basket. And because things weren't too out of hand, I even had time to straighten the rest of my desk. Now, my work space is ready for work, even if I'm not! Tell us, what did you accomplish this week in just 5 minutes?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Take 5 Friday-Reading Basket

Welcome to the first post of Take 5 Friday! Join us each week to share your 5 minute organizing projects or ways you use 5 minutes to stay better organized. If you want to check out the posting guidelines click here, then join us! Being organized doesn't have to take tons of time. Take 5 Friday is all about what you can do in a short period of time to get or stay better organized.

This week I worked on a couple projects. One was my overgrown basket for reading material. I keep a medium sized basket next to my end of the couch for magazines, catalogs and other reading material. Problem was, it had become too over-crowded. So I sat down for 5 minutes the other day and cleared out all of the old, out of date stuff. Low and behold, my reading pile has gone from a jumbled mess about 10 inches thick to a neat stack in my basket that is only about three inches deep! This feels much more manageable for me to read!

Now, I'd love to post a before and after of this, but as you'll read in the guidelines I won't be able to until I get that nifty, new digital camera for Christmas...(I'm not above dropping hints, people...certain wonderful, loving family members, you know who you are!)
So, what were you able to accomplish in just 5 minutes this week? Post your name along with a short description here, then link to your own individual blog post. Be sure to add the link to Take 5 Friday to your posts so your readers can find out more. Oh, and feel free to use the Take 5 button on your sites!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tomorrow's the Day!

I'm so excited! Tomorrow is the launch of Take 5 Friday here on Organizational Enlightenment! Do you have your 5 minute organizing projects ready to share? Click here if you want to find out more about Take 5 Friday or the guidelines for posting. It's easy, it's fun and you're sure to get tons of 5 minute ideas to make your home or life more organized.

I've got my 5 minute project ready to post, how 'bout you? See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Countdown to Take 5 Friday

Have you been working on your 5 minute projects to post on Friday? You've still got time! Stop by here this Friday to see what others are accomplishing in just 5 minutes (plus get some great tips for yourself!) If you haven't heard about Take 5 Friday, get the scoop here and find out more!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The countdown begins...

Take 5 Friday! What are you going to get done in 5 minutes this week? Be sure to return here on Friday to see what everyone is up to and to share what you accomplished in 5 minutes this week!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Take 5 Friday

Becoming better organized doesn't have to take tons of time. There are lots of small things you can do each day or each week to help you along.

That's why I created "Take 5 Friday" for my readers. Take 5 Friday will be hosted here on Organizational Enlightenment each Friday and sponsored by Organize It Today. It's a chance to show just what you can do in just 5 minutes to help you become or stay better organized.

I've set up some guidelines here to help answer any questions you may have about posting and linking to Take 5 Friday. The first Take 5 Friday post will be on November 16th. I can't wait to get started! So, show us whatcha got!
Update: If you need some great 5 minute ideas to get you started, Laura, the Organizing Junkie has recently posted some great ideas on her site. Check them out, then check back here on the 16th for the kick off of Take 5 Friday!

Take 5 Friday Guidelines

Updated Guidelines

Here are the guidelines for posting on Take 5 Friday:

  • Be sure to mention "Take 5 Friday" in your post and link back here so your readers can find out more about it and join in too. (We can't have all the fun to ourselves!) You can also (and are encouraged) to add the Take 5 Friday lable to your post so that people will recognize the topic.

  • You can post any type of organizing tip or better yet, share a project you actually did during that particular week. But, here's the catch: it has to be something you can/did do in 5 minutes or less the time it takes for a coffee break (about 5-15 minutes) And don't forget pictures if you have them. Unfortunately, I won't be posting any pics until after Christmas when I receive my new digital camera (hint, know who you are!)

  • If Take 5 Friday "takes off" I will make it an official blog carnival and use Mr. Linky for everyone to link with. But until I guage the response to warrant doing so, just post your blog link in the comments each week under my Take 5 Friday post. Mr. Linky is now up and available on Take 5 Friday!

  • Everyone and anyone is welcome to join in the fun. After you've written your own post, come here every Friday and link to your individual post (not your home page).

  • You may leave a short description with your comment and link back to your individual post.

Copyright 2007, Christine Rice

You are welcome to use any of the information or articles from my blog for your own newsletters or ezines, just be sure to add the following copyright notation:

Christine Rice, Professional Organizer and owner of Organize It Today helps people discover "organizational enlightenment" with the help of her newest book, A Life Less Cluttered: Expert Secrets to Your Own Organizing Epiphany. Visit her website at to find out more about her services and products.