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I realized today that I'm really missing some "me" time, that little bit of time I used to tell my husband was "good for the soul" time just for me. One of the things I really miss is getting a manicure. It's been months, I tell ya! I'm not "high maintenance" or a real "girly-girl", not that there's anything wrong with that, but I did enjoy the occasional hand massage/manacure.
I'm fortunate enough to have fairly nice, natural nails. Mainly because I hate doing dishes. If they won't fit in the dishwasher, I
Plus, it was a place I wouldn't dare take the kids; the older one because she'd beg me to get her's done and the younger one because I'd be fishing her out of the foot tubs. So it was alone time by a default. I did try to take my husband once when we were going out for the evening, but he poked so much fun at the bad voice-overs they had on the foreign movie they were playing that I told him I would never take him with me again. He was crushed.
So, I think my habit for this week will be to re-introduce an old one. I'll become a re-habitual offender! While getting my nails done may not be a weekly habit, I'm sure I can find something else to do for an hour or so on the off weeks.
"me time" is an important thing. I try to get a little each day at least while the kids are napping. I can't get manicures right now but treat myself to a mini mani each day when I use my Satin Hands - love the stuff! Have a great week!
Oh, I'm all about neglecting myself. I actually went a year between my last two hair cuts! I think I'm doing good if I remember to put lotion on my feet before I go to bed. I'll have to work on this.
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