Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Take 5 Friday Challenge

You can thank my friend Dr. Leah over at Transformation Revolution for this week's Take 5 Friday idea. She suggested to me that we tackle the medicine cabinet and I took a look at mine. Sure enough, after this past cold and flu season, it looked like it could use a dose of organization! (Sorry, couldn't help that one!) So, this week, take a few minutes to peek inside your medicine cabinet, and maybe your first aid kit if you have time. Toss out expired prescriptions and take note of anything you might need to restock. Come back here and share your progress on Friday.

Let's give you some extra incentive this week. I'll be giving away a copy of my book "The Organization Prescription; Your Immunization to Disorganization" to the person who finds the oldest expired item in their cabinet. How fitting is that?! Here are the rules:

  1. Email me with your oldest expiration date (to keep the entries a secret) by this Friday.

  2. On Friday post a short comment on the Take 5 Friday post, then link up using Mr. Linky.

  3. Post your project on your site, and link to Organizational Enlightenment.

  4. I'll email and announce the winner on Saturday, March 29, 2008 for those participants who emailed me their entry.

Good luck and see you back here on Friday!

1 comment:

Dr. Leah - Consultant for Lawyers said...

Oh shoot. I was thinking about things I need to do when I mentioned the medicine cabinet - but now I actually have to do it!! That's rough... durn...


Copyright 2007, Christine Rice

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Christine Rice, Professional Organizer and owner of Organize It Today helps people discover "organizational enlightenment" with the help of her newest book, A Life Less Cluttered: Expert Secrets to Your Own Organizing Epiphany. Visit her website at to find out more about her services and products.